• Board member term is 2 years (Fall, Spring, Fall Spring), beginning on August 1st, ending on July 31st.  Most board members choose to serve multiple terms by opting for reelection at the end of each term.
  • Board member duties include:
    • Mandatory monthly meetings (Monday nights)
    • Multiple mandatory "BOD" shifts (board member on duty) at the fields during game times.  Responsible for opening and closing the snack bar/fields, snack bar worker management, conflict resolutions, etc.
    • Various duties associated with whichever board position assigned (eg, uniform coordinator, 12U Division Coordinator, and many more).
    • Volunteer at various "All Hands on Deck" events, such as Player Evaluations, Hit Pitch Run, Player Appreciation Day, and more.
  • The Election Ballot will consist of two categories:
    • Existing board members wishing to be reelected to an additional term.
    • Nominees wishing to begin their board member journey.


  • Nominations will be accepted through May 1st unless otherwise noted.
  • Nominations are open to Regular Members in Good Standing.  Members may nominate themselves or be nominated by other members.
    • A Regular Member is any person 18 years of age or older who is interested in furthering the objectives of the league upon payment of dues.
    • Good standing means that there has been no disciplinary action enforced against said Regular Member, and there have been no convictions for criminal activity.
  • Nomination Process - email the following information to elections@ocgsa.com & secretary@ocgsa.com Incomplete nominations will not be accepted.
    • Nominee First and Last Name?
    • Division that the nominees player(s) will be playing in for Fall 2024?
    • Occupation?
    • Reason(s) for wanting to join the board (2-3 sentences max). 


  • Voting will take place online.  Current Members will receive an email with access to vote.
  • 2024 Elections Date/Time - Starts Friday May 3rd @4p, Ends Saturday May 4th @ 4p.
  • All existing Members in Good Standing will be eligible to vote.  Emails will be sent to current members in the OCGSA database.
  • The OCGSA Secretary and President will certify the voting results.  Top vote-getters will be confirmed for the limited spots available.